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Model Tarif Pelayanan Kesehatan Rawat Jalan Puskesmas Di Kabupaten Muna


La Ode Mahajaya Model Tarif Pelayanan Kesehatan Rawat Jalan Puskesmas di Kabupaten Muna. (Dibimbing Oleh Indrianty Sudirman dan Alimin Maidin)

Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui besarnya biaya yang harus diberikan pemda kabupaten Muna dalam bentuk subsidi terhadap beberapa model tarif yang akan diberlakukan.

Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan cross sectional dan metode survey yakni untuk mendapatkan informasi mengenai model tarif puskesmas berdasarkan analisis unit cost, yang dapat meningkatkan cost recovery serta sesuai dengan ATP/WTP masyarakat di kabupaten Muna. Sampel berjumlah 375 pasien di tujuh puskesmas yang dipilih secara cluster sampling.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan biaya satuan masing-masing puskesmas antara Rp.4.257 – Rp.33.562 yang dipengaruhi besarnya fixed cost, semi variable cost, variable cost serta quantity. Besarnya Ability To Pay and Willingness To Pay terhadap pelayanan puskesmas adalah: ATP1 Rp.6.553; ATP2 Rp.6.934; WTP Aktual Rp.6.973; dan WTP Normatif Rp.6.544. Subsidi yang harus diberikan pemda tergantung model tarif yang ditetapkan. Dengan model tarif perda No. 09/1999 (tarif 1), subsidi sebesar Rp.135.819.581 s/d Rp.827.531.720; model tarif optimal dengan pendekatan ATP/WTP (tarif 2A), subsidi sebesar Rp.46.491.965 s/d Rp.602.411.720; model tarif dengan pendekatan unit cost minimal (tarif 2B), subsidi sebesar Rp.747.581 s/d Rp.692.459.720; dan model tarif gratis (tarif 3) subsidi sebesar Rp.203.355.581 s/d Rp.895.067.720 di tujuh puskesmas di Kabupaten Muna.

Kata kunci : Model Tarif, Rawat Jalan, Puskesmas, Unit Cost, ATP dan WTP


La Ode Mahajaya Tariff Model of Outpatients Health Services at the Public Health Center in Muna Regency (Supervised by Indrianty Sudirman and Alimin Maidin)

The aim of the study was to discover the cost that must be provided by the regional government in Muna regency in the from of subsidy to several tariff models to be made effective. The study was descriptive using a cross sectional approach. The number of samples was 375 patients selected by using cluster sampling. The analysis used in the study was unit cost analysis to improve the cost recovery according to ability to pay (ATP) / willingness to pay (WTP) of the community. The results of the study indicate that the unit cost in each public health center is between Rp. 4.257 and Rp. 33.562 which is affected by fixed cost, semi variable cost, variable cost, and quantity. The amount of the ability to pay and willingness to pay is ATP1 Rp. 6.553, ATP2 Rp. 6.934, actual WTP Rp. 6.973, and normative WTP Rp. 6.544. The subsidy that must be provided by the regional government depends on the fixed tariff model. The tariff model of perda No.09/1999 (tariff 1), the subsidy is as much as Rp. 135.819.581 up to Rp. 827.531.720, the optimum tariff model by ATP/WTP approach (tariff 2A), the subsidy is as much as Rp.46.491.965 up to Rp. 602.411.720, the tariff model by unit cost minimal approach (tariff 2B), the subsidy is as much as Rp.747.581 up to Rp.692.459.720, and the free tariff model approach (tariff 3), the subsidy is as much as Rp.203.355.581 up to Rp.895.067.720 at the seven public health centers in Muna regency.

Key words : Tariff Model, Outpatient, Public Health Center, Unit Cost, ATP and WTP
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