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An Error Analysis On The Use Of Simple Present Tense Among The Ninth Year Students Of SMPN 3 Pare


An Error Analysis on the Use of Simple present Tense Among the Ninth Year Students of SMPN 3 PARE. Thesis. Institute of Teaching Training And Education Budi Utamo Malang.

Key words: An error analysis, the use of simple present tense

English as an International language has an important role to develop science and technologies. The states of the problems are. (1) What analysis is to be described on the use simple present tense among students of the ninth year SMPN 3 Pare? (2) What analysis is to be described on the frequency occurrence of the errors made among the students of the ninth year students of SMPN 3 Pare on the use simple present tense? In trying to analyze the students’ language, the research will be focused on the aspect of An Error Analysis on the Use of simple present tense among them.
The objectives of this study are (1) to identify and classify the errors of the ninth year students of a SMP Negeri 3 Pare in using simple present tense, (2) to describe the frequency occurrence of the errors. The instrument used was a test on English simple present tense for Junior High school level.
The population of the study was the ninth year students of SMP Negeri 3 Pare, which consisted of three classes. However, samples were used as the researcher could not cope with the whole population. The samples consisted of 50 students.
Students errors identified in this study were categories into three types, namely, errors of omission errors addition and errors misformation. The result of the analysis shows that there were in all, 1234 errors among 50 students.
The types of errors among the students in constructing and using English simple present tense consisted of 68 (5%) errors of omission, 95 (8%) errors of addition and 1071 (87%) errors of misformation. From the highest to the lowest, the errors were: misformation, addition, and omission.
The result of farther analysis shows that the students seemingly have problems in each category omission, addition and misformation. Thus, the students were often found to make errors in using those patterns high.
The average number of errors made of all the students was 46%. From the percentage, it can be conclude that the students’ mastery in using English simple present tense was poor.
It is hoped that the finding of the present study will be useful for the teaching of English, especially the teaching of English simple present tense.
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