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Efek ekstrak etanol kangkung air (Ipomoea Aquatica Forks) terhadap lamanya tidur (Sleeping Time) Mencit Jantan Dibandingkan Dengan Fenobarbital


The aquatic plant called "kangkung" (Ipomoea aquatica Forks) of the family

of Convolvulaceae has been traditionally recognized by the community as having a

fairly powerful effect in inducing a sleep. Stem and leaves of plant are boiled and

consumed as vegetables or as salad.

As there has beenno scientific research on the effect of this plant on human,

there should be a research conducted to develop traditional medication that can to the

discovery of new biologically active compounds for the benefit of people in an

effort to provide equalhealth service to the society.

This research was designed as an experimental type with a comparative

approach using male, healthy mice (Mus musculus Linn) of about 10-13 weeks old

and weight about. 20-30 grams. The animals were obtained from the Animal

Husbandry Service, North Sumatra.

The ethanol extract of the aquatic plant "kangkung" Was used as sample with

the dosage of 200 mglkgbw, 400 mg/kgbw, 600 mglkgbwand Phenobarbital with the

dosage of 30 mg/kgbw and 45 mg/kgbwand aquadestilata were usedas control.

The data were analyzed by normality test of Kosmogorof-Smimof,

Spearman's rank and Analysis of Variance (Anova) with the difference was

considered as significant if p < 0.05. The results of the test indicated that the kangkung ethanol extract produced an effect over the sleep period in male mice with the value of p < 0.05 and the Spearman's ranktest value 0.946 and t-count >t-table.

The length of sleep period of the experimental animals was significantly

influenced by dosage of the kangkung ethanol extract. This implies that the higher

the dosage of the plant ethanol extract is, the longer the period of sleep of the

experimental animals.

Key words: ethanol extract, water, Phenobarbital, sleep period, mice.

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