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12. An Analysis Of Directive Speech Acts In The Movie “The Sleeping And Beauty”



Language is a means of communication, having a significant role within our life. It offers the speakers an opportunity to speak about anything of their knowledge. Everyday we should use it to communicate with others for doing social interaction. It means that the language said to be a social characteristic. Language is a sound and word systems used by human to express their thoughts and feelings according to Oxford Advanced Learning Dictionary.

In getting a communication we need others who will become our hearer as well as our converse partner of speaking at the same time. The action is causing a wide range of different phenomenon due to a variation of each person’s ability in applying the language and their linguistic as well as their cultural background. Because the existence of those divergences, it is doubtless that the misunderstanding between the hearer and speaker is often happen, especially when both participants within a communication are a nonnative speaker. Therefore, sociolinguistic studying the relation between both language and society (Hudson, 1997:5) is always developing some improvements to keep in pace the social life development may effecting the use of language which lead to both new and diverge phenomenon in a study of sociolinguistic. All development and improvement are proposed to give some information and choices that might be applied to minimize a misunderstanding within a communication activity.

Linguistic is the scientific discipline about language. There’re some branches of linguistic in this course. They are phonology, morphology, syntax, semantic, pragmatic, etc. Phonology is a study of vocal (speak sound), morphology is a study concerning a form of words, and syntax is study about conceiving of words into phrase and sentence, whereas semantic is a branch of linguistic describing words sentences. While pragmatic has a different definition than others. There are several definitions about pragmatic.

Parker (1986:11) stated that pragmatic is different than grammar, which is a study of language internal structure. Pragmatic is a study about how language used to communicate. Nirmalasari (1988:19) stated that pragmatic is a study about how language adopted to communicate. It is self-related to how people use the language in a context and why they use it by particular method. R.C. Stalnaker in Tarigan (1986:16) made a simplified definition about the difference between syntax, semantic, and pragmatic. Syntax analyzes a sentence; semantic analyzes a preposition, whereas pragmatic is an analysis of linguistic act and the context.

Pragmatic is consists of several aspects. Those are context, deictic, presupposition, implicature, and speech acts. Speech act is a central point of pragmatic. In communication, we use utterances in acting that is known as speech acts. Speech acts themselves can be divided into three elements: locutionary, elocutionary and prelocutionary.

Searle in its book of Speech Acts: An Essay in The Philosophy of Language (1969,23-4 ) said that pragmatically at least there are three types of act that may be realized by a speaker upon his/her speech, that is the act to express something (locutionary act), the act to do something (elocutionary act), the act to affect the converse speak (prelocutionary act). Respectively, the third types are called as the act of saying something, the act of doing something, and the act of affecting someone

Pragmatic analysis is a language analysis based on pragmatic views. Analysis of pragmatics try to find out the speaker’s intentions, whether it would be expressed explicitly or implicitly because is revealing speech in communication. Listening is a significant aspect within the competence attainment in English speech. Student is expected gets to understand a several meanings (intrapersonal, ideational, and textual) in various interactions oral text, and particularly in the form of descriptive, narrative, spoof/recount, procedure, report and anecdote.

Within the language context, student is expected to tell or to construct thoughts or information that he/she get. Furthermore, an intrapersonal function, that is a language function to interact with fellow being by revealing the applied speech acts, attitudes and feelings, etc. has he/she done. The last function is textual, it is to arrange how the created text and language being ordered so that a cohesion and coherence are realized, then, those would be easy to be understood by the one who listening and reading.

A language context have a central role in understanding a several interaction oral texts, particularly which in the form of descriptive, narrative, spoof/recount, procedure, report and anecdote. Because all types of text are always exist and present on students’ daily life. If student unable to understand all types of oral text, so they will get some difficulties of well English speech to communicate or lay over thought that he/she was heard.

Once upon a time, in the kingdom far away, a beautiful princess was born.. A princess destined by a terrible curse to pick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel and become Sleeping Beauty. Masterful Disney animation and Tchaikovsky’s celebrated musical score enrich the romantic, humorous and suspenseful story of the lovely Princess Aurora, the three magical fairies they are Flora, Fauna and Merry weather, and the Valliant Prince Phillip, Who vows to save his beloved princess. Phillips bravery and devotion are challenged when he must confront the overwhelming forces of evil conjured up by the wicked and terrifying Maleficent. Embark on a spectacular adventure of unprecedented scale and excitement in this thrilling, timeless Disney Classic

Language competences is become one of competence inherent from a language activity, because of central functions in the competence attainment of English language. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing has a central role in English, such as understanding several meanings (intrapersonal, ideational, and textual) within various interaction oral text and the helping text oral particularly which in the form of descriptive, narrative, spoof/recount, procedure, report and anecdote are needed a competence of good listening in English. Based on the description above, so the study takes a title AN ANALYSIS OF DIRECTIVE SPEECH ACTS IN THE MOVIE “THE SLEEPING AND BEAUTY”.

1.2. Reason for Choosing the Topic

This following reason why the writer chooses the topic “An Analysis of Directive Speech Acts in the movie”, what a speech act is or did not understand to use the good diction. So that, can observes about their each competence by using presentation method.

Language competences is become one of competence inherent from a language activity, because of central functions in the competence attainment of English language. Listening, speaking, reading, and writing has a central role in English, such as understanding several meanings (intrapersonal, ideational, and textual) within various interaction oral text and the helping text oral particularly which in the form descriptive, narrative, spoof/recount, procedure, report and anecdote are needed a competence of good listening in English.

1.3 Formulation of problem

Some reason why the writer chooses the topic “An Analysis of Directive Speech Acts in the movie” for following reason:
1.3.1. Many people do not have many opportunities to practice speaking English in a communicative way and they become bored with monotony.
1.3.2 Language competences is become on of competence inherent from a language activity, because o0f central functions in the competence attainment of English language.

1.4 Statement of Problem

The study of speech acts concerning student interaction to hence shall response the problem related it. How improve a student interaction on English learning, are:
1.4.1. What the happened of the child after watched this film?
1.4.2. What are the effect of the child abase reflected of the mayor character’s psychological development?

1.5 The Objectives of the Study

The objectives of the study are as follows,
1.5.1 To improve interaction. Because their interaction about a learning process is still less or low effects of the movie on the children.

1.6. Significance of the Study

By studying Directive Speech Act used in the movie “Sleeping and Beauty”, there are significances of the study that can be explored. They are as follows:
1.6.1 Hope hear that the discussion will uncharged the knowledge about child status adopts effectives.
1.6.2 This study is aimed for further literature study related to the theories of Directive Speech Act values, especially around the motivation and humanism in the movie.

1.7. Organization of the Presentation

1.7.1` CHAPTER I
Contain of Background of the Study, Reasons of Choosing the topic, Research Questions, Purposes of the Study, Significance of The Study, and Organization of the Presentation.
Contain of literature related review Speech Acts, direct and indirect Speech Acts, literal and non literal Speech Acts, and directive Speech Act.
Contain about method of investigation, Object of the Study, Source the Data, Type of the Data, Technique of Collecting Data, and Technique of Analyzing Data.
Contain of Data Interpretation, Acknowledgments, Constatives, Directives, Commissives, the Technique Applied to use “the Sleeping and Beauty” film.
Contain of Conclusions and Suggestions
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