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32. Figures Of Speech Expressed In Norman Vincent Peale’s You Can If You Think You Can


Figures of speech are not only used in speaking but also in writing. The book You Can if You Think You Can is categorized as a classical book which provides inspirations in the course of daily life. The figures of speech in the book You Can if You Think You Can makes the beautiful of writing because figures of speech are often used and crafted for emphasis, freshness of expression or clarity. Besides, in the book there are dramatic, heartwarming stories of how men and women in all ages and in all walks of life transformed their lives and careers by following the philosophy of the author about the positive thinking. This book takes more interesting and sometimes using figures of speech. Therefore the writer chooses to analyze this book concerns with figures of speech.

The problems encounter in this study. They are what kinds of figures of speech which are expressed in the book and what is the function of figures of speech which are expressed in the book.

This study is aimed to find out the figures of speech which are expressed in the book and to find the function of figures of speech which are expressed in the book.

The study is a qualitative research that considers more important the process than the result because it is a phenomenon which makes many interpretations. The data will be analyzed by using content analysis which includes reading, selecting, quoting, identifying, classifying, analyzing, and reporting.

It is found that there are ten types of figures of speech in the expression of this book. They are anaphora, anadiplosis, anthropomorphism, epistrophe, epizeuxis, hyperbole, metonymy, personification, synecdoche and simile. Most of the figures of speech which are used by the author give motivation, inspiration, emphasis and freshness.
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