Considering the fact that not all people like to read books, newspapers, or novels to learn English, there is another way to learn the language. In this era of sophisticated technology, we can use electronic facilities such as: computer, internet, radio, or television to support our learning the language. Generally, most people are more interested in watching film or television than reading a book. It is probably because understanding film is easier and practical than reading a book. Film is one of the most important means of entertainment and education. This study uses literature in a film version to unwrap conflicts of human being as represented by the main character, Ollie.
The objectives of this study are to get a clear description of Ollie as the main character of the story, his psychological conflicts and the solution of those conflicts as seen in the film. This study is expected to give a contribution to the psychological conflicts faced by a single parent.
This study applied a descriptive qualitative method. First, I analyzed this film, than selected and reduced the data from the script, I tried to identify the conflicts by using the psychoanalytical approach. This approach was meant to simplify and describe the causes of conflicts.
The result of this study shows that Ollie as the main character was confronted by some conflicts. They are related to his relationship with other characters including his wife, his father, Bart, his daughter, Gertie, and his friend, Arthur. Finally, Ollie realized that Gertie and his father are the most important peoples in his life than his job or being in the city. He loved them so much, and he would do everything to make them happy. His solutions were staying in Bart’s house in New Jersey as his daughter’s preference, and became a good father for his daughter.