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44. The Struggle For Human Rights Of Gay And Aids - Infected Person Of The Main Character In Jonathan Demme’s Philadelphia Movie


1.1 Background of the Study

In general, types of literature are fiction, poetry, and drama. Fiction and drama have almost similar characteristic in their elements since both works are written in prose and in certain time-sequence. In globalization and the development of technology, people prefer watching films on television or movies to reading literature. Due to the modernization and the development of technology, people prefer watching film programs on television or movies to reading literature.

Film is a fascinating form of entertainment, because everything on the screen appears to be life-like and natural. The movie characters walk and talk just as people actually do. Rooms, houses and street seem real. The picture does not stand still at one scene. It moves forward together. Music makes the story more exciting and other sounds make the film more real. Best of all, everything blends smoothly into an entertaining show.

Film is hastily classified as a dramatic genre. Film can present several kinds of meaning at once. A film as a literary work can be used as a source for studying literature. Moreover, the movie about a human right is exciting because it reflects the human life generally.

Human rights belong to every human being. Every person is free to decide what to do now and in the future. Other people can not interfere with someone’s right. They are free to express what they want. They are free to speak, to set a material wealth and to choose a religion.

All human beings are born free and to have equal dignity and rights. Human right is the basic right of human beings and in exercise a government may not interfere (including rights for life and liberty as well as freedom of thought and expression and equality in law). Human rights are based on the recognition of the equal status and dignity of every human being regardless of any distinguishing characteristics such as race, color, sex, language, religion, politics or other opinions, national or social origin, property, birth or other status. It gives rise to the twin fundamental principles of equality and non-discrimination.

Based on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (December 10, 1948) everyone has the right for life, liberty and security of person. It means that everyone has the right for working, free choice of employment, justice and favorable conditions of work and protection against unemployment. Everyone, without any discrimination, has the right to get equal pay for equal work.

One of the examples of human right manifestation can be seen in a movie. A movie often illustrates the situation of the social condition of the people in a certain time. A movie can encourage an empathy and tolerance, it can make the audience know themselves through the figures or the characters in the story, and human right already becomes good issue for years. Everyone talks about it in every place and every time. A movie is often made to be used as the manifestation of the human right issue.

One of the movies that talks about human right is Philadelphia. Philadelphia is a movie about AIDS. It was the first big-budget Hollywood films that tackle the medical, political and social issues of AIDS. This is the first major movie to deal with the subject of AIDS. The story tells about Andrew Beckett (Tom Hanks), a successful gay lawyer, who is fired from a prestigious Philly law firm even though he has recently been promoted to junior partner. The law firm where he works claims that they fired Andy because he is no longer a good lawyer. However, Beckett was sure that the real reason he is fired is because his bosses discover that he has AIDS and files a discrimination suit against his employers. He secures the counsel of Joe Miller (Denzel Washington), a lawyer who fears of AIDS and homosexuality. Because of having an incident that happens to Beckett in the public place (library), Miller reluctantly takes Beckett’s case and learns to overcome his misconceptions about the disease and about gay people in general.

The movie won Academy Awards for Best Actor in a Leading Role (Tom Hanks) and Best Music, Song (Bruce Springsteen for "Streets of Philadelphia"). It was also nominated for Best Makeup (Carl Fullerton and Alan D'Angerio), Best Music, Song (Neil Young for "Philadelphia") and Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen (Ron Nyswaner). This film's protagonist, Andrew Beckett is listed at number 49 on the AFI's list of the Top 100 Heroes and Villains. This motion picture was inspired in part by AIDS discrimination lawsuit,
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