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50. Homosexuality In James Baldwin’s Novel “Giovanni’s Room”


This chapter discusses about background of the study, reason for choosing the topic, statement of the problems, objectives of the study significances of the study and the out line of the study. Below are more detailed descriptions.

1.1 Background of the Study

Homosexuality is a sexual desire that is directed toward members of one’s own sex and that is regarded to be an abnormality. Homosexuality is very common at present and it has been practiced openly without much restraint up to now. Today homosexual practices are widespread and publicly displayed. Therefore homosexuality has become a subject in mass media or coffee shops and also become a subject of intense scientific curiosity. The later scientific concern is proved of nearly 1300 scientific articles and books on the subject were published.

Homosexuality does not only appear in a book but also in TV shows and cinemas. The dissemination of homosexuality is marked with the publication of Arisan, one of Indonesian best movies about homosexuality. This movie reveals about a homosexual who tries to find his self-identity and his abnormal sexual behavior in order to be able to be accepted by his society. In the west, homosexuality is on the increase because youngsters are encouraged by society to date at earlier ages and they are encouraged to experiment sexually with their same sex (

Homosexuality itself is based on a refutation of an obvious fact and contradiction with the very nature on which man has been created. In Islam, the followers do not support anything that is contrary to nature or that God has created. Islam looks at homosexuality as something contradictory to the very nature as to why God created male. Nowadays, homosexuality has also created a controversy among us up to the present moment, but this controversy has made homosexuality one of interesting topics in fiction.

After reading some novels, the writer also found that homosexuality was also found in the James Baldwin novel Giovanni’s Room. This is one of the reasons why she took this novel as the material is worth of being discussed. In this final project, the focus of the research is in psychological. We know that homosexuality is perceived as neurological or psychological problems. This final project is also submitted as one of the requirements for the degree of Sarjana Sastra

1.2 Reason for Choosing the Topic

The study has been conducted on the basis of the following reasons. On the one hand, the topic about homosexuality is a global issue that can be found in our surroundings. This is a very interesting and proper topic to be discussed as we know that nowadays homosexuality becomes more widespread so that it studied by many scientists.

On the other hand, homosexuality is unnatural, abnormal and despised by God. From the two opinions above, the topic about homosexuality is worth to be discussed in this final project.

1.3 Statement of the Problem

In this final project, the discussion is limited in the James Baldwin’s novel Giovanni’s Room. The following of the problems are:
a. Is homosexuality one of the themes in “Giovanni’s Room”? If it proved, the next questions are:
b. What are the impacts of homosexuality toward the doers as described in the story?
c. How does the society in the story treat a homosexual?

1.4 Objectives of the Study

The objectives the studies are:
a. to find out the major theme in the story,
b. to find out the impact of the homosexuality toward the doers, and
c. to know the attitudes of the society toward a homosexual.

1.5 Significance of the Study

All literary works such as novel bring their own moral values to the readers so does Giovanni’s Room novel. I hope after reading the study the readers will get more value and experiences to be brought to the real life. Most of all the study is expected to give contribution to the readers to know how to behave if they face the same problems and how to see the problem of homosexual with fair.

1.6 Outlines of the Study

This final project is systematically organized in chapters. Each chapter will discuss
different matter as follows:

Chapter one provides introduction which consist of these matters: background of the study, reason for choosing the topics, statement of the problems, objectives of the study, significant of the study, and the outline of the final project.
Chapter two is about review of related literature that covers the definition of novel, the history of homosexuality, kind of homosexuality, homosexuality and Al Qur’an, homosexuality and Bible, psychological approach, and abnormal psychology.
Chapter three is about the method of investigation in details. It deals with the object of the study, procedure of collecting data, procedure of analyzing the data and technique of reporting the data.
Chapter four is the analysis. It is the most essential part of the study, because it is described homosexuality in the novel. What is the impact to the doers and the society.
Chapter five is the last chapter, it consists of conclusions.
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