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52. Anti Racism Propaganda In Alice Walker’s “The Color Purple”


This final project is aimed at analyzing anti-racism propaganda in Alice Walker’s novel “The Color Purple.” What are the indications of racism described in the novel and what are the impacts of racism reflected in the novel and how is anti-racism propaganda conducted as reflected in the novel?

The object of the study is Walker’s novel “The Color Purple.” The data of the study are in the form of explicit sentences and written dialogues. The data of this study are collected by doing the following steps: reading the novel carefully for many times, identifying the data related to racism, inventorizing the data, classifying the data, simplifying the data, selecting the data, and at last reporting the data into appendixes. There are several techniques to analyze the data. They are exposing, interpreting, explaining and the last one is summarizing. The interpretation and explanation are done from the point of view of sociology of literature approach.

The result of this study shows that there are many indications of racism in the novel including colonialism, segregation, discrimination, expulsion, annihilation or genocide and exploitation. Racism brings some impacts as reflected in the novel. The impacts of racism which can be analyzed are segregation, there are five problems dealing with the segregation case, they are educational segregation, employment segregation, settlement segregation, public facilities segregation, health segregation and religion segregation, the next impacts are colorism, same-race racism and slavery. Black people are minority group and they often get those impacts from white ones. Therefore, they propagandize antiracism which is manifested in some indoctrinations and correction. The antiracism propaganda consists of religious indoctrination, cultural indoctrination, folk story correction, political indoctrination and educational indoctrination.

Finally this study is expected to give more knowledge and understanding for the readers about anti-racism and all the concepts of racism.
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