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58. The Spirit Of Individualism Of George Walker Bush As Reflected In His Biography Written By Elizabeth Mitchell W Revenge Of The Bush Dynasty


The final project intents to analyze the spirit of individualism of George Walker Bush as reflected in his biography written by Elizabeth Mitchell entitled W: Revenge of the Bush Dynasty. Individualism is a doctrine that asserts the supreme value of the individual and sees society as only a means to satisfy individual ends. A person tends to think about his/her lives, independence and self-reliance above all else. These qualities are expected not only to win the rewards of success in a competitive society, but also valued as virtues in themselves.

There are three problems in this study. First, whether there is any spirit of individualism in George W. Bush’s biography; second, what are the characteristics of spirit of individualism that George W. Bush did; third, how is that spirit of individualism reflected in George W. Bush’s life. The objectives of the study are to find out the spirit of individualism in George W. Bush’s biography, to describe what kinds of characteristics of spirit of individualism that George W. Bush did, and to explain how that spirit of individualism is reflected in George W. Bush’s life.

The method used by the writer was the qualitative one. It focused on data, which were taken from the biography such as utterances, sentences, and paragraphs, which contain data about individualism of George W. Bush. The writer collected the data in the forms of utterances, sentences, and paragraphs by reading the biography, identifying data, inventorying data, classifying data, then simplifying the data based on the characteristics of individualism and individualism reflected in George W. Bush, and then analyzed the classified data related to the term of individualism.

The result of the study shows that there is spirit of individualism of George W. Bush in his study at Yale University, his family, his business career, and his political career. The characteristics of the spirit of individualism are: believe in one’s own initiatives or ideas, Self-Confident, Self-Responsible, hard worker, independence, and having personal goal for the future. The spirit of individualism of George W. Bush is reflected both in his non political career, and in his political career.
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