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59. Symbols Of The Nature Destruction In Ang Lee’s Film Hulk


Nature has its own capacity to keep the balance of human’s life. When nature expresses the disaster that can not be solved naturally, it can be categorized into the nature destruction caused by the irresponsible human behavior towards nature. Moreover, symbols of the nature destruction can also be delivered through a literary work, in this case is a film. The symbols in the film can be in form of the characters that represent ideas or concepts of our nowadays condition. The object of this study is a film entitled Hulk directed by Ang Lee. This film is about a transformation of the main character, Bruce into a Hulk caused by a genetic mutation experimented by his father, David. The purposes of this study are to find out what symbols of the nature destruction reflected in the film, how the symbols reflect the nature destruction, and explain how those symbols describe recent condition.

In this final project, the writer uses qualitative methods in which the data are taken in the form of words, phrases, and sentences, and interprets them descriptively. There are several steps in analyzing the film. First, the writer watched the film many times to understand the whole story. Second, the writer read and classified the data related to the topic. Third, the writer interpreted the data based on the related theory. Finally, the writer presented the conclusion and suggestion.

This study indicates that there are three symbols of the nature destruction reflected in the film. The symbols are pictured in the form of the characters of the film. In addition, the symbols of the nature destruction in the film also reflect our nature condition recently that has been destroyed by human in the forms of pollution, global warming, flood, and erosion.
Finally, this study is expected to give a new view to the readers about symbols that can have the deep moral values found in literary works, and they can be the picture of our today condition and heighten our awareness toward life. Hopefully, we will have a better view in this world.
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