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60. An Analysis Of Idiomatic Expressions Used In The Translations Of Tolstoy’s Stories And Tales Contained In The Best Stories And Tales Of Leo Tolsto


This final paper is aimed at studying about the idiomatic expressions used in the translations of The Best Stories and Tales of Leo Tolstoy by Aylmer Maude. The problem of this study is what idioms are used by Aylmer Maude in his translations of The Best Stories and Tales of Leo Tolstoy. The purpose of the study is to identify and analyze the use of idiomatic expressions. The significance of the study can be used as an additional knowledge to improve the vocabulary of idiomatic expressions for Indonesian learners and to facilitate readers in understanding the whole stories.

This is a qualitative study. The object of the study is nine of Maude’s translations which were taken from The Best Stories and Tales of Leo Tolstoy. The data were taken from certain phrases and sentences from the text. The data were collected by the activities of reading the text of Maude’s translations, identifying the data, inventorying, classifying, simplifying, and then reporting them. Finally, these data were analyzed by explaining them in terms of meaning and the frequency they are used.

The result of the study showed that there were 162 idioms were included in 55 forms of idioms. And it brings about some significant results. First, considering the meaning, there were some idioms which were transparent with their literal meaning and some were not, but if we observe by the form, there were fixed and non-fixed idioms. I found that 37 idioms were non-fixed and 18 idioms were fixed ones. Second, the most dominant idiomatic expression used by Aylmer Maude was the idiom “go on”.

The conclusions of the study were first, the idiomatic expressions that used by Aylmer Maude in his translations were fixed and non-fixed idioms; and second, the most commonly used idiom in Maude’s translations was the idiom “go on”.

After drawing the conclusions, I would like to offer some suggestions to the readers that idiomatic expressions are distinguished in a sentence and it is necessary to master idiom in order to understand the whole sentence. And also for the linguistic lecturers, they should give more practice in understanding and using idiomatic expressions.
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