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66. Love As A Motivation Of Life For The Main Character Reflected In Nathaniel Hawthorne’s “Rappacini’s Daughter”


Love is a topic that cannot be separated from human’s life. It always becomes the most interesting topic for all people. Love in a psychological context, is not only a way to feel the extraordinary joy but also to experience self discovery. There are so many literary works that use love as a topic for the short story. One of them is Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story entitled “Rappacini’s Daughter”. The short story combines love and science to be an interesting story. It does not only tell about the happiness love, but also how tragic love is.

There are two problems that the writer tries to solve in this study. The first problem, what kinds of love motivation that motivate Beatrice is in the short story. And the second, in what ways does love motivate Beatrice in the short story. The purposes of this study are to describe the kinds of love motivations and in what ways love motivates the main character’s life, named Beatrice as reflected in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story entitled ‘Rappacini’s Daughter.”

The writer uses Qualitative method in analyzing the short story. The data are in the forms of words, phrases and sentences. There are some steps in collecting the data. They are reading, identifying, inventorizing, classifying, reducing, selecting and reporting. All of the data are analyzed in term of psychological context. They are collected through appendices. There are five appendices in this thesis; they are A, B1, B2, C1, and C2. The overall data can be seen in the Appendix A. Appendices B1 and B2 contain the data to answer the first problem. And the second problem can be seen in the Appendices C1and C2.

After doing some analyzes, the writer finds that there are some love motivations that motivate Beatrice’s life, they are; lack of paternal love, loneliness and the desire to be free from the poison. The motivations above create braveness and compel Beatrice to find her own life without interference from the others. Love also brings so many motivations in Beatrice’s life. The writer divides them into two types, i.e. positive and negative motivation. The positive motivations are that Beatrice has a spirit to continue her life since she is a poisonous girl, and the second is Beatrice wants to struggle to reach her happy life beside Giovanni. The negative motivations for Beatrice are that she often forgets about her duty to serve and nurse the plants since she meets her lovely, Giovanni. And the second negative motivation is that Beatrice often acts illogically in creating her imagination about a happy live.

From the description above the writer concludes that love is one kind of motivation that motivates Beatrice in the short story. Love also brings so many motivations in Beatrice’s life. After writing this final project, the writer suggests to the lovers do not to become blind because of love. The lovers should use the logic, not only their heart in deciding everything in their life.
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