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67. A Deconstructive Analysis Of Man’s Hegemony Over Woman In Love In Oscar Wilde’s Drama A Florentine Tragedy


This study analyzes the men’s hegemony in love found in the drama. The object of the study is a drama written by Oscar Wilde entitled “A Florentine Tragedy”.

The drama tells about a triangle love of Simone, Guido and Bianca. Hegemony is an unhealthy social phenomenon while love is a sweet and powerful phenomenon. Hegemony in love happens if one of the lovers is on privilege position. He or she always controls the situation. To detect the hegemony in love in the drama, the analysis of this study uses a socio-psychological approach. And then for deeper discussion, the final project uses a deconstructive analysis since it needs a creativity of the researcher. Using a deconstructive analysis, we can undermine the acceptably hierarchy in the drama. This final project has three problems to be explored; those are: (1) Is there any domination in love, which we can find in Oscar Wilde’s drama “A Florentine Tragedy”? (2) How does domination in love work in the drama? (3) How does the deconstructive analysis help to interpret domination in love in the drama? The analysis in chapter four discusses all the problems above. The writer uses qualitative method as the method of investigation.

The writer takes the data from the text of the novel and compiles some references from several books that are related to the subject matter and searched information on the internet in supporting this study. The data are in the form of words, phrases, sentences, and quotations, which are related to the topic. The data are gathered by identifying, inventorizing, classifying and analyzing. At first, he identify the data, which are suspected to be related to the topic. Second, he inventorizes the identified data, classifies them according to the problem of the study. The last, he analyzes the data, which are resumed to be the answer of the problems. The analysis is done by several techniques. To answer problems number one and two, the analysis uses method of exposing, interpreting and summarizing. Locate an opposition, determine which member is privileged, reverse and undermine the hierarchy are method to answer problem number three. The result of the discussion in the final project concludes that both man and woman have the same capacity to show hegemony.

This study is expected useful for the readers, especially who falls in love to open their mind in seeing the hegemony in love. After reading this final project, perhaps they would not practice hegemony over their lover.
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