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7. Contrastive Analysis Between English And Indonesian Basic Sentence Patterns


The objective of this research is to know the similarities and differences between English and Indonesian basic sentence patterns. This research is on the contrastive analysis between English and Indonesian basic sentence patterns.

The method of this research is descriptive method. The writer used some research materials such as books, papers, newspaper, magazines, as the sources of data for this research. To collect the data, the writer conducted the following techniques: a) the noting technique- it is a strategy which uses books, notes and other instruments to collect the data; b) the separating technique- a strategy to separate the similarities and differences between English and Indonesian basic sentence patterns.

In analyzing data the writer uses two techniques. They are descriptive and contrastive techniques. The result of the data analysis shows as follows: the first, English and Indonesian have similarities in their forms of basic sentence patterns. English and Indonesian have similarities in their positions of words. The second, English and Indonesian have the differences in their functions of words. Basically, English and Indonesian have the same concept in their basic sentence patterns. The similarities of sentence pattern between English and Indonesian can be seen in the following: S + V; S + V + O; S + V + OIO + ODO; etc. While the differences can appear in the sentence pattern S + V + C.

From the result of the data, the similarities of English and Indonesian basic sentence patterns can be seen from the following parts of each pattern. The subjects in English and Indonesian are same. It is person or thing, and the verb in both languages are transitive verb which needs an object and intransitive verb which does not need an object. The differenced of the two languages lie in the verb and the complement in the sentence pattern S + V + C. the verb is linking verb (LV), that links subject and complement which is used in nominal predicate. Indonesian complement has different function from English complement. Complement in Indonesian consists of noun, verb, numeral while in English consists of noun, adjective and adverb. In English, the complement must put after LV while Indonesian does not.

Based on the result, I suggest that the languages teacher should give a clear explanation about the roles of usage and examples of basic sentence patterns and should be able to predict the difficulties faced by the beginners based on the difficulty given by the teacher to minimize errors made by the beginners in the future.
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