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74. Racial Conflicts Among The Characters Of Percy’s A Note To Racial Relation


This final project is aimed at analyzing racial conflicts issue existing in Percy’s short story A Note on Racial Relation; are there any racial conflicts among the characters found in the story and what racial conflicts can be found in the story. The object of the study is Percy’s short story Note on Racial Relation. The data of the study are in the form of words, phrases, sentences, explicit sentences, as well as implicit sentences. The data of this study are collected by doing the following steps: reading the short story carefully for many times, identifying the data related to gender inequalities issue, inventorising the data, classifying the data, selecting the data and at last reporting the data into appendixes. There are several techniques to analyze the data. They were exposing, enumerating, explaining, interpreting and the last one is concluding. The interpretation and the explanation are done from the point of view of sociology and structural approaches. The structural approach is used to get better understanding the short story. The sociological approach is assumed that a literary text is a portrayal of its contemporary society’s condition.

The result of the study there are many interpersonal conflicts among the characters, such as conflict between Percy and Jim, Percy and ford, Percy and Ernest, and Percy and Lige. Besides, the result of the analysis of Percy’s short story is that racial –legal conflict, ethno-economic conflict, ethno-religion conflict. Racial conflicts issue happen between blacks and whites in west America in 19 century. The racial conflicts are found among the characters in the story. It leads to discrimination in law, economic and religion sector between blacks and whites.

Based on the analysis I can conclude that the conflict happened between black and white people in the story because of different culture and agreement among the characters. Therefore, the black must respect and learn the white culture, and to the white, the black is their brother. So, the white must respect and act as their brother to avoid conflict in the societies.
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