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78. Type Of Processes Found In The Jakarta Post News In The Topic Of Tsunami In Aceh A Transitivity Analysis


The problem of this study is what types of processes found in newspaper reports, why the dominant process used to develop the genre and what genre is used to realize the discourse. The object of this study is news taken from the Jakarta Post in the topic of Tsunami in Aceh, published on December 27th 2004 – January 3rd 2005.

In this study, the writer concerned on functional grammar, mainly on ideational meaning. In order to get the objective of this study, the writer used some theories related to the literature, discourse, genre, grammar and ideational meaning itself.

The method applied in this Final Project is qualitative. The procedure of collecting the data included seeking, selecting, reading and identifying the data. Then, the data are simplified and inventoried to be reported.

In analyzing the data, the writer exposed the selected data according to the system of transitivity, and then explained each type of process found in the news. The comparison between the theories and the analysis is applied to prove that the dominant process is used to develop a certain genre. Then, argumentation is given to support the comparison.

In the process type analysis, there was five types of processes found in the news and the most process appeared was material process. The material process expressed in past tense. It means the text is retelling about a sequence of happening or informing something. The writer also found that there was news item genre instead of recount, which dominate the Tsunami discourse.

Finally, the writer found that material processes which expressed in past tense used to reconstruct news item text that developed Tsunami discourse. The researcher hopes this study will be beneficial for the students, readers and other researchers who want to know about transitivity analysis of any kind of text.
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