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15. The Text Structures Of Monologue Text Types Found In “Joyful English Book 1 For Smp Class Vii” Published By Cv Aneka Ilmu


Based on the school curriculum (“KTSP”), the students of “SMP/MTs” class seven should be taught two monologue text types, descriptive and procedure texts. Thus, in order to be relevant with the curriculum, the textbooks should present those two text types.

This research has two purposes; the first is to know the monologue text types found in the textbook entitled joyful English Book 1 for SMP class VII published by “CV. Aneka Ilmu”. The second is to know how each of the monologue text in that textbook structured including its social function, generic structures, and grammatical features.

I collect the data sources by reading the textbook. Then, I take all the texts from each unit. There are eleven texts in the textbook as the data sources. The approach applied in this study is qualitative. First, I identify the structures of each monologue text. Then I classify the type of the text based on its structures. The next step is analyzing the text in terms of its grammatical features. Finally I analyze and compute the result.

As the result, I found eight descriptive texts, two narrative texts, and one report text. The first dominant is descriptive text. The second dominant is narrative text. And the least dominant is report text. Thus, the choices of monologue text types in the analyzed textbook does not fulfilled the suggestion of procedure that should be taught in the first grade of junior high school as stated by the school curriculum.

Based on the result, I suggest that the English teachers have to consider when choosing a textbook to teach which should fulfilled the requirements as stated by the school curriculum.
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