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20. Correlation Between Students’ Motivation In Learning English And Their English Pop Quiz Results A Case Of Mts Al Asror (7th Year)


There are many factors that can determine the success of foreign language learning. One of the factors is motivation. The purpose of this study is to describe the motivation of the seventh year students of MTs AL Asror Semarang in the academic year 2004/2005 in learning English. This study aims to find out if there is a correlation between students’ motivation and their English pop quiz results and how high the students’ motivation in learning English is.

The data were collected through questionnaires and documents. The correlation was calculated using a statistical analysis, namely Pearson Product Moment Correlation formula. I made the questionnaire based on the two types of motivation in learning English, i.e. integrative motivation and instrumental motivation. In documentary method I took the students’ scores of their English pop quiz.

From the computation of Correlation Product Moment, it was found out that correlation coefficient was 0. 197, meaning that there was no significant correlation between the students’ motivation in learning English and their English pop quiz results. It was also found out that the mean of the students’ motivation was 72. 25, so it can be concluded that the motivation of the seventh year students of MTs AL Asror Semarang was high, since the value of the mean was between 73-88 points (high).

In the calculation of the degree of the students’ motivation in learning English based on the two types of motivation, that is integrative motivation and instrumental motivation, it was found out that the degree of the students’ motivation in learning English influenced by the teacher was the highest, i.e. 71. 42%, while the degree of the students’ motivation in learning English influenced by the interest of the community of the language was the lowest, i.e. 41. 90%.
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