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22. A Comparative Study On Writing Skill Between Students Who Use Monolingual Dictionary And Those Who Use Bilingual Dictionary


This study is comparative study on writing skill between students who use monolingual dictionary and those who use bilingual dictionary

The subjects consisted of two groups; students who used monolingual dictionary numbering 33 students and students who use bilingual dictionary numbering 33 students. Random sampling was used to get the samples for both of the groups. The data concerning to the students’ achievement in writing skill. The data were collected by distributing the test to the samples. Each group, then, did the writing test with a number of 20 item tests. There were two hypotheses to be examined: working hypothesis and null hypothesis. The working hypothesis (Ha):

“There was a significant difference on writing skill between students who use monolingual dictionary and those who use bilingual dictionary”. The null hypothesis (Ho): “There was no significant difference on writing skill between students who use monolingual dictionary and those who use bilingual dictionary”

The formula to measure this comparison was using t-test. The result of the t-test formula was 2.434. Since the obtained value (2.434) was higher than the table value (1.67); that was = 2.434 > 1.67, it means that the null hypothesis was rejected. The result proved that students' writing skill taught by using monolingual dictionary were better than students taught by using bilingual dictionary.

In conclusion, the study accepted the working hypothesis and refused the null hypothesis. It shows that there was a significant difference on writing skill between students who use monolingual dictionary and those who use bilingual dictionary. The material that teacher uses for teaching can influence the students' achievement in writing class. It was expected that the English teachers of the school should think smartly how to improve the students' writing skill. We as the English teacher have to know that one important factor that influences the students' writing skill achievement is vocabulary mastery. The slight difference can be seen from the means of both groups. From the calculation, the mean of the experimental group is higher than the controlled group. It means that using monolingual dictionary is better than using bilingual dictionary in L2 learners.
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