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26. The Use Of Chain Pictures As A Medium For Developing Students’ Writing Skill Of Narrative Texts ( A Case Of The Eighth Grade Students


Language plays a very important role in human life. People speak language to convey messages, to show their feeling or to ask questions. English, known as an international language has been chosen by the Indonesian government as the first foreign language. In English there are four language skills; they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Writing is generally regarded as the most difficult of the four skills. It requires mastery not only of grammatical and rhetorical devices but also conceptual devices and judgments. In this study the writer used chain pictures as a medium to make writing easier for the students to learn. The main objective of this study is to find out whether or not the use of chain pictures is effective for developing students’ writing skill of narrative text.

To achieve the objective of the study, the writer conducted an action research. This research was held at SMP Negeri 2 Rembang. The subject of the study was the eighth graders. There were 23 students; 17 girls and 6 boys.

The action consisted of four activities. The first was a pre-test. It was continued with the treatment. The last activity was doing the post-test and answering a questionnaire. The questionnaire was meant to investigate whether the students are interested or not in learning.

In analyzing the data, the writer used a simple quantitative measurement. The analysis of the data showed that there was a significant difference of the students’ achievement in the pre-test, treatment and post-test. The students’ achievement in the pre-test was 52.91%, in the treatment was 63.73% and in the post test was 73.61%. It showed that the students’ achievement in writing narrative text improved.

Based on the study, it is found that the use of chain pictures is effective for developing students’ writing skill of narrative texts. Chain pictures are very beneficial for the students in order to facilitate them in learning English especially writing narrative texts. Therefore, a teacher should always give an interesting atmosphere in teaching-learning process to make the students enjoy learning English more.
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