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27. Children Songs As Media In Teaching English Pronunciation (The Case Of Fourth Graders Of Sd N 01 Sekaran Gunungpati


Pronunciation is the way a person utters a word or a language. There are many differences of pronunciation between English and Indonesian. Therefore, there are many students of Elementary school especially the students of SDN 01 Sekaran Gunungpati who pronounce English words incorrectly. In this case, I observed that English children songs are suitable media to teach them English pronunciation. The problems of the study are as follows: Can teaching English pronunciation by using English children songs improve the students’ ability in English pronunciation? Is it effective to use English children songs in teaching English pronunciation? And the objectives of the study are: to find out whether using English children songs can improve students’ ability in English pronunciation and to find out to find out whether it is effective to use English children songs to teach English pronunciation.

The subject of the study is the fourth graders of SDN 01 Sekaran Gunungpati in the academic year 2006/2007. There are 22 boys and 23 girls. There are two variables; they are independent variable and dependent variable. The independent variable of the study is the method that is used that is the use of English children songs in teaching English pronunciation. And the dependent variable of the study is the students’ achievement in English pronunciation after getting the treatment by using the method. The instruments of the study are children songs -Baa Baa Black Sheep, Pilot, Doctor and Boy and Girl, test -pre test, the four formative tests at the end of each activity by using English children songs and post test, field notes and interview. The procedure of the study was, firstly I conducted a pre-test continued by the four teaching English pronunciation activities by using English children songs and the last was a post test.

The average of the pre-test was 50. The averages of the four activities were 59, 67, 73 and 78. And the average of the post-test was 82. The range of average between the pre test and the post test is 32.

Based on the study I have done, I conclude that teaching learning process by using English children songs can improve the students’ ability in English pronunciation. It is pleasing to use English children songs in teaching pronunciation.

It is recommended that before deciding the media that will be used in the teaching learning process, a teacher should know the things that the students like. Because of the differences of each student, a teacher should also choose the way of teaching that is suitable with the condition of the students.
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