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68. The Use Of Literacy Approach To Teach Recount Text To The First Grade Of Sma N I Bae Kudus


The study is an attempt to know the teachers’ problems in applying literacy approach to teach Recount Text to the first grade of SMA N1 BAE KUDUS.

Based on the research problems, this study is aimed at finding how far the English teachers in that school know about literacy approach to teach recount text and the difficulties they face when they teach using English for a Better Life Textbook.

The approach used in this study is qualitative. The data sources are the two teachers of English in SMA N 1 BAE KUDUS. The data are the results of observation the researches did when the teachers teach and the results of interview given to them.

The results show that the teachers often get difficulties in Building Knowledge of the field (BKOF). They also do not know about how to apply literacy in teaching learning cycles based on Kurikulum Tingkat Satuan Pendidikan (KTSP). The teachers’ method in teaching learning is different. They also have different teacher’s ability to interact their students.

The final conclusion is that most of the teachers still do not know about how to apply literacy approach in the classroom. There are three (3) suggestions proposed. First, the English teachers should be given workshop about literacy approach. Second, the users of textbook should check the material before teaching. Third, the teachers should more learn English for a Better Life Textbook before using it.
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