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78. The Role Of Song To Teach English Vocabulary Through Listening At The Senior High School (A Case Study Of Xi Year Students Of Sma Negeri I Ungaran


The title of this study is THE ROLE OF SONG TO TEACH ENGLISH VOCABULARY THROUGH LISTENING AT THE SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL A Case Study of Second Year Students of SMA Negeri 1 Ungaran.

The objective of this study is to know whether listening to English songs is effective for improving students’vocabularies, by conducting a descriptive study. The population of this study was the XI year students of SMA Negeri 1 Ungaran in the academic year of 2004/2005, which consisted of 41 students.

To get empirical data the writer then administered an action research that was carried out through a pre test, and then three activities as the treatment, and ended with a post test and questionnaire. The questionnaire was meant to answer how songs influence their vocabularies. The test was taken from the lyrics of two songs in a completion test.

The students’ achievement on the post test (82. 2%) was higher than that of the pre test (42.1%). It could be seen that the treatment gave significant result for the students’ improvement in vocabulary. Through the calculation of the score, it is found out that those who got high score gave positive responses for the questionnaire, it implies that listening to English songs improves the vocabulary acquisition, especially if the listening to English songs is a habit, it will increase the vocabulary acquisition.

Finally, the writer concludes that listening to English songs is effective for the students, and it can be used as a means to teach vocabulary.
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