This final project is an experimental research. In this study, I limit the discussion by stating the two problems: How well does small group discussion give contribution to teach procedure texts? And, is there any significant difference in the achievement between the students who were taught procedure text by using small group discussion and students who were taught procedure text without using small group discussion? The aims of this experimental research are to find out how well small group discussion gives contribution to teach procedure text and to determine whether there is significant difference in the achievement between the students who were taught procedure text by using small group discussion and without using small group discussion.
There were three steps in conducting this experimental research: choosing the tenth graders of SMA Islam Sultan agung 3 Semarang as the population, taking two groups of the students as the samples, one as the experimental group and the other as the control group, and after that, conducting real experiment. To obtain the data, the writer carried out three steps in implementing the research. They were pretest, activities in experiment and post test.
Based on the data analysis, the writer used the students’ results that were completed by the mean score of the experimental group and the control group to know the difference between the two groups. The pretest score was 69.46 for the experimental group and 69.20 for the control group. The post-test score of the experimental group was 76.31 and the control group was 72.54. The results showed the mean score difference between the two groups that was 1.90. The t-test showed that this difference was significant because the critical value that was obtained was 4.919. It was higher than the critical value on the table (4.919 >1.966).
Referring to the experience in conducting this experimental research, the writer offers several suggestions. First, teachers should use small group discussion as their teaching technique in teaching written procedure text. Second, teachers should be able to convince their students to improve their performance in the academic achievement especially in written procedure text. Then, the writer also suggests that there should be further studies on teaching English by using small group discussion.