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102. A Discourse Analysis on Negative Politeness Strategy Used in There is something about Mary Film


This study focuses on negative politeness strategy used in There is something about Mary film using Brown and Levinson’s Theory. There is something about Mary film is the acting debut of Cameroon Diaz. The movie itself is a combination of romantic comedy and gross out film packaging light story about a girl.
Negative politeness is oriented towards the hearer’s negative face and emphasizes avoidance of imposition on the hearer. This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative. And which utterances belong to negative politeness in There is something about Mary film? This research is conducted to answer the problem of the context supporting the negative politeness strategy in there is something about Mary. The data were in the form of transcribed utterances from DVD of there is something about Mary.

After obtaining the data, the researcher classified the data into parts of negative politeness strategy: be direct question, be conventionally indirect, give deference, apologize, question-hedge, be pessimistic, minimize imposition, go on record as incurring a debt or as not indebting, state FTA as general rule, and nominalize. The next is analyzed them into ten parts of negative politeness and made the general conclusion of them into ten types of negative politeness and made general conclusion based on the theory and research finding about the negative politeness strategy.

The researcher found the negative politeness strategy used in there is something about Mary film are eight of ten types of negative politeness: be direct question, be conventionally indirect, give deference, apologize, question-hedge, be pessimistic, minimize imposition, go on record as incurring a debt or as not indebting in the certain situation and setting . There is no utterance which belongs to state FTA as general rule, and nominalize.

Based on the findings of this research, the researcher hopes this research gives contributions to the readers who learn about politeness strategies.
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