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118. A Discourse Analysis on the Persuasive Technique Used in DRTV Advertisement


Persuasion is an important aspect of communication that is used in many areas. It is an art of communication process to persuade others using stimuli to get the response from listener. One of the areas that need persuasion is advertisement, especially television advertisement. It is a channel that uses persuasive language to promote and persuade consumers to buy the products. Concerning to the topic, this study focused on the use of persuasive technique in television advertisement. This study took this topic because it intended to investigate about the types of the persuasive techniques and how the persuasive techniques are used in television advertisement.

This research was designed by using descriptive qualitative method because the data of this research were in the form of utterances or speeches, which were not statistically analyzed. In this case, this study also used Discourse Analysis because the researcher wanted to know how language used to persuade another in advertising area. The data were taken from the speeches or utterances of the presenters’ speeches during promotion in DRTV advertisement about kitchen and bar. The data were analyzed through the observation done by the researcher herself.

It was found that the presenters of DRTV Advertisement used several techniques of Gorys Keraf’s theory to persuade the audiences. These techniques are: rationalization, identification, suggestion, conformity, compensation, and displacement. In the use of persuasion techniques, the presenters used several ways to persuade the audiences or viewers. Such as justifying their problems first and make statements as a proof to justify the quality of the products, taking same condition also adjust their condition and giving positive influence in their mind, showing the other products are unacceptable and persuade them that presenters’ products are suitable to choose as a substitution, showing the other products are not suitable to be used before, then showing the result of the products in order to displace audiences’ emotion from using other products to presenters’ products, showing the fact of some problems first then persuade the audiences to choose the product with high intonation in order to make them do not think twice to choose the products, and making statement to tell the audiences that the product is acceptable for everyone
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