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119. Persuasive Strategy Used By David Cameron In His Political Campaign Speeches


This research investigates the types of persuasive strategy used by David Cameron in his political campaign speeches during 2009-2010 United Kingdom Prime Ministerial election. The purposes of the research are to find out the types and the implementation processes of persuasive strategy used by David Cameron to the audience.

The descriptive qualitative method is used to conduct this research because the researcher describes and explains the types of persuasive strategy used by David Cameron in his political campaign speeches during 2009-2010 United Kingdom Prime Ministerial election. To obtain the manageable and systematic data, the researcher himself becomes the main instrument by browsing the internet reading and classifying the data. Then the data are presented and analyzed by using the persuasion theory proposed by a Greek Philosopher, Aristotle.

Based on the finding of the research, persuasive strategy used by David Cameron can be divided into three categories namely Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. Ethos is used to make a good impression of the speaker, Pathos is used to appeal based on emotion, and Logos is used to appeal based on logic or reason. Those types of persuasion are used by the speaker to appeal the audience. Finally, the researcher suggests the use of “political campaign speeches during 2009-2010 United Kingdom Prime Ministerial election” to be the object of the researcher especially in persuasion because these speeches are good examples for providing the data of persuasion. In addition, if the readers want to learn more about persuasion concerning with its contextual aspect, they can use another political campaign speech because it also provides the contexts that we can study to find out the functions of persuasive strategy.
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