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131. Implicature Found in Epigraph of Chicken Soup for the Soul


This research focuses on analyzing Epigraph of Chicken Soup for the Soul Teens Talk Relationships base on Grice’s theory of implicature. Practically, speakers or writers can give information through their utterances or writings in which the information can appear literally or not. It means that we need to interpret more to get the intended message. Implicature is a part of discourse analysis that is very interesting to be investigated. It is a little part of discourse analysis where language (spoken or written) and context are in separable, spoken language such as conversation between teacher and the student and written language such as an article, novel or short story. In literature, an epigraph is a phrase, quotation, or poem that is set at the beginning of a document or component. Epigraph in Chicken Soup was taken from people who are capable in their field.

Based on the background of the study above the researcher has some problems proposed here are: 1. What the types of implicature are found in Epigraph of Chicken Soup for the Soul Teens Talk Relationships? 2. How implicature are used in Epigraph of Chicken Soup for the Soul Teens Talk Relationships? The researcher is the one that important to conduct the research in qualitative research and the theory which used to understand the phenomena. The researcher has conducted the research by herself by using theory of implicature. This research has lead not for the proofing and testing the theory but for elaborate the theory of implicature.

The findings covering the formulated research question are as follows.The first, conventional implicature is used when the epigraph clearly understood The context was clear enough. The readers could guess about the story before read the story itself because the epigraph’s writer could show what the story tells about by writing the epigraph. The second, generalized conversational implicature is used when the information that is being conveyed is clear, brief and not ambiguous. Reader can easily understand the intended information without considering the context.

The third, particularized conversational implicature is used in the epigraph of Chicken Soup for the Soul Teens Talk Relationships when the writer did not give the clarity, brevity and sufficiency of information to readers. Therefore, the context is required by readers to understand the writer’s implied meaning. Context is essential to be considered due to the fact that what is intended to be conveyed.

Besides, it is suggested to the next researcher to analyze deeply the epigraph by using the relevant theory. The researcher also recommended for the future studies that they might have similar research with different perspective such as speech act used in the epigraph.
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