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90. A Deixis in the Writing Form of Advertisement


People as human being are often making errors. The y can make errorsin different ways, for example in making perception. This thesis is based on A deixis in the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine. In reading an advertisement, sometimes we get difficulties in understanding or interpreting the messages as like in the writing form of advertisement. The theory of deixis is chosen because deixis is used to point thing in order to make clear what the writer means. The researcher chooses the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine to be analyzed because the researcher assumed that in the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine there are kinds of deixis which can be analyzed. And in this writing form there are some words considering difficult to be understood.

This research was conducted by using descriptive qualitative method, because the data of this study were in the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine. The steps of data collection were reading and understanding the writing form of advertisement in Time magazine. Then, the writer selected the data that are related to the problems of the study. At last, the data were arranged systematically in accordance to the problems of the study. To analyze the data, he presented the data, interpreted the data and drew the conclusion. Based on the result and discussion of the data, from the analysis of nineteen advertisements - electronic products and Airlines Services above, it can be concluded that the writing forms used are Reason Why Form, Sense Appealed Form, Testimonial Form and Conversational Form. And the deixis often found are Pronoun Deixis and Place Deixis.
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