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144. A Syntactic Analysis on the English Translation of Surah Al-Waqi’ah Using Theory of Tree Diagrams


In this study, the researcher selects theory of tree diagrams to analyze syntactic pattern of sentences since this theory enables to see at a glance the hierarchical structure and parts of sentences. Holy Qur‟an is the glorious book which becomes the central religious text of Islam. It consists of 114 surah in defferent lengths. Surah Al-Waqi‟ah is one of surah in the Qur‟an which has 96 verses. The researcher selects Surah Al-Waqi‟ah as the subject of this study since most of the verses of this surah are simple sentences. This surah is different from others which consist of all kinds of the sentence, such as simple, compound, complex and compound complex sentence. The researcher uses the English translation of Surah Al-Waqi‟ah by Marmaduke Pickthall because his translation is more simple and understandable. Therefore, the researcher is interested to study the thesis entitle A Syntactic Analysis on the English Translation of Surah Al-Waqi’ah Using Theory of Tree Diagrams.
Related to the phenomena, the research problems proposed is “What syntactic patterns are found in the English translation of Surah Al-Waqi‟ah by using theory of tree diagrams?” The objective of the study is to describe what syntactic patterns are found in the English translation of Surah Al-Waqi‟ah by using theory of tree diagrams.

This research is classified as descriptive qualitative method because it analyzes the data descriptively based on Theory of Tree Diagrams. In addition, the data of this study are in the form of sentences or words rather than numbers. The data source of this study is the English translation of Surah Al-Waqi‟ah. It is taken from Pickthall„s translation book entitled “The Meaning of the Glorious Qur‟an”.

After analyzing the data, the researcher finally concludes the syntactic patterns of Surah Al-Waqiah using theory of tree diagrams, as follows: a) there are twenty three sentence patterns of the sentences in English translation of Surah Al-Waqi‟ah. b) The patterns of noun phrases appear in 20 options. c) The patterns of verb phrases appear in 5 options. d) The patterns of prepositional phrases appear in 2 options. e) The pattern of adjective phrase appears in an option
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