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155. Implicature Used in Humors of Yes Man Movie


Humors are significant topic which is important to be discussed to find the nature of conversational implicature in communication. It is caused that the truth of humorous utterance is usually not produced explicitly, or it might be said to be implied meaning.Although the language may be clear, hearers need some knowledge of the speaker and their attitude, in order to appreciate that the speaker is not telling the truth. Because someone usually does not understand of what the speaker’s implied message when he does not know the speaker’s intention clearly. Therefore to gain the meaning of implicit meaning, someone must rely on implicature study. It is defined as a component of speaker’s meaning that appear from an aspect what is meant in a speaker’s utterances. Based on the reason above, the researcher is interested on implicature used in humors of Yes Man Movie. The problems can be formulated as follows: (1) what types of implicature are found in humors of Yes Man Movie? (2)How does the main character use implicature in humors of Yes Man Movie? Based on the problems above, the objectives can be formulated as follows: (1)to describe the types of implicature in humors of Yes Man Movie. (2) to describe the way the main character uses implicature in humors of Yes Man Movie. A descriptive qualitative method is used to give comprehensive descriptions and discover the use of implicatures in the movie. The techniques of data collection were searching, comparing, reading, reducing and arranging the data according to the problems of the study. The data analysis was done by classifying, analyzing, discussing and concluding. The results of this study show that there are two types of implicature and its use. There are generalized implicature which is no knowledge context to be used and particularized implicature is based on special context. Both of two types of implicature in the movie is different in its use, it is caused the different purpose and the situation of the conversation to be achieved. Particularized conversational implicature tends to be used in the movie.
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