Argument is the way of conveying ideas which is used by the speakers to convince the hearer through the using of logical, ethical, and emotional. Logical appeal is the employing of claim, reason, and evidence. The logical appeal must be supported by the ethical in order to show the speaker’s credibility. To be more convincing argument, the speakers must also employ their powerful words with the emotional appeal in order to stir the audiences’ emotion.
This study investigates the appeals of argument used by SBY at international event. The researcher needs to answer the appeals of argument used by SBY in his two speeches. The researcher selects the speeches as the object of the research because it certainly contains those three appeals: logical, ethical, and emotional appeal. The researcher wants to explore the appeals of argument of the two speeches based on the research question by using the theory of Aristotelian’s appeal such as logical, ethical, and emotional appeal.
This research is designed by using descriptive qualitative method. The researcher describes and explains the appeals of argument employed by SBY on his speeches in the opening of second Democracy Bali and the 9th International Congress on AIDS. The researcher uses three steps in analyzing the data. First, classifying the data associating with the theory. Second, analyzing the data by using the theory of argument appeal. Third, discussing and interpreting the data finding concerning with the argument appeal. Finally, the researcher concludes the result of the analysis on argument appeal.
Based on 15 data finding presented and analyzed in this study, the researcher concludes that SBY’s speeches employs the Aristotelian appeals such as logical, ethical, and emotional appeal. He gives special focus on ethical appeal to show SBY’s credibility. Furthermore, he uses his emotional appeal to stir the audiences’ emotion. The last, he uses logical appeal with the claim and evidence to make his argument to be more convincing. It also uses ethical and emotional appeal to support his argument.