This thesis entitled Social Background of Taboo Language Expressed in the Movie of American Gangster Movie analyses apology strategies including types and how apology is used by each character in the scripts of American Gangster. People often make mistakes directly or indirectly when making conversations. Thus, people need to understand about the taboo language in order to make good relation in the society in our daily conversation.
This study applies descriptive qualitative method because (1) the data are in the form of words or utterances of many characters, (2) this study employs human instrument: the researcher herself as the primary instrument for data collection and analysis, (3) the purpose of this study is to understand and obtain deep information about what types and how taboo language is used in American Gangster s movie. This study applies taboo language to analyse the characters of
American Gangster s movie.
In analyzing the data, this study follows four steps: (1) finding and explaining the context of the utterances of the apology expression in order to understand what the speaker's utterances; (2) identifying and describing the utterance based on the category of taboo utterance; (3) discussing and analyzing the data using the theory of taboo language; (4) and making conclusion based on the results of the data analysis to answer research problem. The results of this study show the types of apology strategies used by the characters of American Gangster s movie, which include expression of taboo language and an acknowledgement of social background from the data, the researcher also found the social background of taboo language which is used in the American Gangster s movie.
Based on the data, the researcher has some suggestions that are important for the audience to have self-wise and filter control n viewing any film or movie. The suggestion also rise to ward the filmmaker to take account more on the language appreciation especially dirty of taboo words. Finally, the researcher suggests other next researcher to study more on the entertainment field, especially movie in similar or other theme.