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55. Peningkatan Kualitas Minyak Goreng Bekas dengan Metode Adsorpsi Menggunakan Bentonit – Karbon Aktif Biji Kelor


Tha use of fried oil repeatedly with steam at high temperature will produce various chemical compounds as a result of oxidized oil such as alcohol, aldehide, keton, hydrocarbon, esther and rancidity. This process will influence the quality and nutritional values of the fried food materials. Used fried oil is waste that could be reusable by bleaching using adsorben. Adsorption could be proceed by column method and batch method. The column method is more effective than those of method due to the ability for regeneration easily. The purpose of this research are to find the change of free fatty acid (FFA), peroxide value, and the color of the used of fried oil after passing through the coloumn process containing adsorben i.e activeted carbon from kelor seed, activated bentonit and mixed adsorben.

This scope of this research are (1) Making activated carbon from dehidrated kelor seed. This process is one step process which is carried out by heating at 600 oC for 3 hours in a furnace and chemical activation is use with 30 % NaCl, (2) The purification of the used fried oil was carried out by despicing, netralization and bleaching using three different adsorbens through a coloumn, (3) Measuring a peroxide value, free fatty acid and the colour of fresh fried oil, used fried oil, despicing result, netralization and bleaching for each adsorben through the column

The result showed that free fatty acid of the fresh fried oil, the used fried oil, the despicing, and the netralization were 0,037 %,0,448 %, 0,211 %, 0,148 % respectively. Peroxide values of the fresh fried oil, the used fried oil, the despicing and the netralization were 1,32 meq/kg, 4,58 meq/kg, 4,00 meq/kg, 3,96 meq/kg respectively. The Free fatty acid content of the used fried oil after passing through the column containing activeted carbon of Moringa oleifera Lamk seed was 0.141%, 0.145% for the adsorben activated bentonit and 0.142% for mixed adsorben. The peroxide values of the used fried oil after passing through the column containing activeted carbon of the kelor seed was 2.49 meq/kg, 2.39 meq/kg for the adsorben activated bentonit and 2.37 meq/kg for the mixed adsorben. The experiment result showed that FFA content decreased 69% (using the adsorben activated carbon) and the peroxide value decreased 48% (using the mixed adsorben bentonit and the activated carbon Moringa oleifera Lamk seed. The color of the used oil also improved. For light color (L) increased 29,98%, red color (a*) 48,2% and yellow color (b*) 42,8%.
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