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52. The Implementation of Integrated Social Science Instruction

ABSTRAK According to the mandate of implementation of educational unity level curriculum (KTSP) that is explained by national education minister regulation (Permendiknas) number 22, 2006 on content standards and national education minister regulation number 41, 2007 on process standards. In the content standard has been explained that the application of natural science (IPA) and social science (IPS) for elementary and primary school is applied in integrated way. Integrated natural and social learning is as the implementation of curriculum suggested to be implemented for primary school (SD/MI) up to junior high school (SMP/ MTs) level. Learning process of social subject (IPS) of SMP/ MTs is not fully implemented in integrated way in its implementation. Moreover, it is still applied separately. It means that competency standards (SK) and basic competency (KD) achievement of social subject are still implemented based on each study such as sociology, history, geography, politics, economics, law and culture. The implementation of integrated social science instruction has not fully been implemented in integrated way at MTs.N Balen of Bojonegoro. Its mean that some teachers still teach integrated social science separately. The objective of the research are: 1) explain the concept of integrated social science that is implemented in MTs N Balen, 2) explain the implementation of an integrated social science instruction in MTs N Balen, 3) identify the strategies applied by MTs N Balen to overcome the obstacles in the implementation of an integrated social science instruction, and 4) identify the factors being obstacle in the implementation of an integrated social science instruction in MTs N Balen. The researcher uses qualitative research approach in order to reach the purpose. The character of this research is descriptive. The researcher uses observation, interview and documentation to collect the data in this research. Collected data in this research is data that appropriated with research question. The researcher uses Miles and Huberman model data analysis in this research. The researcher uses some technical to keeps the validity of the research result. They are triangulation and focus group discussion. The research result shows that MTs.N Balen of Bojonegoro has implemented the integrated social science instruction, but it is not fully implement. The teachers still finds some obstacle to implemented this. The obstacles are lack of human source, tools of learning, and student’s motivation. Lack of human source is caused by the different background of the teachers. They are from different department, so they feel so difficult to implement the different social science. The social science teacher at MTs.N Balen still use limited tools when learning process. This is supported by the lack of student’s motivation to learn. To overcome these problems, the teacher should try to creative and cooperate each other. Based on this research result, it is suggested to: 1) Religion Department to formulate guidelines for implementation of an integrated social science in Islamic Junior High School (MTs), 2) social science teachers at MTs.N Balen to develop the implementation of social science, 3) Islamic Junior High School (MTs) which has not applied yet the implementation of social science in integrated way as the references to implement it, and 4) next researcher to develop this research in an integrated study in primary and high school level.
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