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2. Perlindungan Hukum Bagi Kreditur Dalam Pelaksanaan Eksekusi Hak Tanggungan Dengan Berlakunya Undang-Undang Nomor 4


The payment of credit  given by  creditors / banks cannot possibly
be paid on the due date. To minimize the risk that generated by the stuck
credit, to take care of the bank condition remains efficient and well,  to
protect the fund mustered by the bank properly as well, one of the efforts
in giving protection and the rule of law for creditors / banks rapidly with
light expense, is to strengthen the credit guarantee institution in the
Implementation of Guaranteed Rights on Land and Objects which are
related to  Land caused by Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1996. 
The execution of guaranteed rights on credit guarantee as one of
efforts of the law protection for creditors  finds some problems, the one is,
has  the Implementation of Guaranteed Rights in Execution caused by
Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1996 given the Law Protection for
Creditors  in the  way of dealing with the stuck credit?
This is a study about  normative  law  which is characterized  in
descriptive analysis. It is descriptive because  this study  is expected to
explain clearly how The Law Protection for Creditors in the
Implementation of Guaranteed Rights in Execution caused by UndangUndang
Nomor 4  Tahun  1996  is. It is analysis because the data obtained
has been analyzed in qualitative. From the study, it is known that the Implementation of Guaranteed
Rights in Execution caused by  Undang-Undang Nomor 4 Tahun 1996  has
given the  law protection for creditors  by giving the  free will  to banks /
creditors by  their virtue of power  to conduct  the sale of   guaranteed
rights object, or the execution on guaranteed rights which is executed
based on the executorial title on the certificate of guaranteed  rights, or
creditors conduct the sale of  guaranteed rights objects  based on the
agreement between the creditors and the owner of  guaranteed rights  that
gives the  advantageous intention to all parties.
In the execution on guaranteed rights by parate execution, debitors
should be also protected deservedly on their rights for getting the high
enough selling price according to their desire as the giver of guaranteed
rights and  the owner of guaranteed rights object as well.

Keyword: Law Protection, Creditor, Execution on Guaranteed Rights. 
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