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39. Pendidikan Perdamaian Dalam Liturgi GKMI Siloam Salatiga Dan Dampaknya Bagi Kerukunan Masyarakat Beragama Di Lingkungan Sekitar Gereja


Since 1990, in Indonesia, it has been appeared that religion will be firmly and strongly politicized and used as a stick to beat all opponents of a different religion or religious doctrine . In fact, religion should teach about good things and not lead to the culture of violence . This article describes how peace education center takes place through the liturgy in church as the resistance of a culture of violence and leads to the civil society. GKMI Siloam Salatiga is one of Anabaptis movement that declares peace. GKMI Siloam is located in a small alley, called “Kampung Hitam,” but since the presence of GKMI Siloam there was never violence between religions. By using the theory of peace and liturgy and combining them into perspective about peace educative liturgy, I found that it is not solely constituted by the ordinary parts of a common liturgy that contains the value of peacefulness, but it emphasizes on how the appreciation of every order of the liturgy could be sensed by the holistic of congregration inculding the spiritual value, moral value and real sense of peacefulness.

Keywords: education, peacefulness, church, liturgy
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