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16. New interpretation on prohibition to slaughter cow for Kudus society (Paul Ricoeur’s social hermeneutic perspective)


Prohibition to slaughter cow for Kudus society is the discourse referred to Sunan Kudus‟ missionary. Kudus society consider that the discourse has been an early tolerant concept taught by Sunan Kudus so it has developed and grown as tradition among Kudus society.  In modern context, the situation has changed caused by many factors. It lately changes the paradigm of Kudus society toward the discourse on prohibition to slaughter cow.
The purpose of this study is to know new interpretation on prohibition to slaughter cow  for Kudus society based on Paul Ricoeur‟s social hermeneutic perspective. From this new interpretation, this study also aims to know philosophical thinking construction for Kudus society. This study is the part of field research which the data is collected by observing, interviewing, and documenting. The type of this study is qualitative research using descriptive analysis method whereas the approaches are hermeneutical and philosophical approaches.
The result of this study is that based on Paul Ricoeur‟s social hermeneutic perspective, prohibiton to slaughter cow for Kudus society should be placed as the local wisdom on Kudus society. From this new interpretation, it also constructs the philosophical characteristic for Kudus society relating to economical aspect in the form of conserving cow and breeding buffalo and social aspect in the form of social identity.

Keyword: discourse, Sunan Kudus, hermeneutic, local wisdom. 
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