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9. The symbolic meaning of punakawan in puppet and its relevance to Islamic ethics.


This  research  discusses  about  “The  Symbolic  Meaning  of Punakawan in Puppet Art and Its Relevance to Islamic Ethics”. This research have two questions; 1) What is the symbolic meaning of   Punakawan in Javanese puppet art, and 2) How is the relevance between Punakawan and Islamic ethic. The method that is used by reseacher is qualitative method and it applies semiotic approach to describe the symbolic meaning of Punakawan in puppet art. Then, this research used inductive method to make easy to serve the data. The technique of collecting data uses books,   paper,   article,   journal   and   etc.   Those   approaches   and techniques of research are used to get a deep knowing that related to Islamic ethic.
The   result   of   exposure   inprevious   chapters,   it   can   be concluded that the symbolic of meaning Punakawan in puppet art have two points: first, Punakawan is not only as entertainment but also as social criticus, and messenger of ethics and philosophical values. The character and the shape of punakawan symbolize that human comes from and also backs into God. It leads the human to maintain the truth and fight the false. The truth will always get win and in contra, the false will be lose. Second, The symbol of punakawan in puppet has the relation to Islamic ethics values. This refers to Sunan Kalijaga as wali
(Islamic  teaching missioner) in Java.  Islamic  ethic (akhlaq)  is the study concerning on human deed and behaviour acoording to Islamic perspective which is reflected on the character of Punakawan. Semar is considered as the reflection of man who suggest into good thing (amar ma’ruf nahi munkar). Gareng is considered as the reflection of man who has many friends either friend or rival (the impact of silaturahim). Petruk is considered as the man who leaves everything but God (tauhid). Bagong  is considered as everlasting life (al- iman bi yaumil akhir)

Keyword: The Symbolic Meaning of Punakawan and Islamic Ethics
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