The purpose of this study was to determine simultaneously analyze the form of Public Participation in Drafting Process Regional (Ranperda) in Maros regency. And the factors that influence the process of preparation of the Draft Regional (Ranperda) in Maros regency. This study is located in Maros Regency. Type used is descriptive. As qualitative research data acquisition procedure, the data obtained from interviews, observations, and archival. Research results that are considered relevant to the issues under study were analyzed qualitatively by the reduction of the data corresponding to key points in research and smaller focus on the key issues to be answered in this study.
The results showed that, in engaging the community in the process of preparation of the Regional Draft Regulation (Ranperda), then the parliament to do it in the form directly and through representatives of the people, all of which were conducted with several mechanisms of the research team formed ranperda FGD (Focus group Discussion)is through seminars and through an invitation to attend a plenary session discussion ranperda. Furthermore, in terms of public participation in the process of drafting regulations Maros regency, obviously there are factors that influence both its support and its inhibitors in which the contributing factors consist of (1) a rule or regulation, (2) Members of Maros Parliament who has worked professionally, (3) the means to accept the people's aspirations. While inhibiting factors consist of (1) less the extent of the scope of socialization Maros regency government, (2) the substance of the society’s idea is not quite right, (3) awareness of the community to participate is still very low. Of all the facts that occurred so that the author said that public participation in the process of drafting local regulations in Maros regency has not been run in accordance with what should be stipulated in legislation.