This undergraduate thesis explores the foreignization and domestication translation of culture-related terms in the Indonesian’s version of Paulo Coelho’s Adultery. These two aspects are assessed by analyzing the strategies applied in foreignization and domestication translation.
There are two problems raised in this research. The first is to analyze the strategies applied in dealing with foreignization and domestication translation of culture-related terms. The second is to figure out the reason why some terms are foreignized and domesticated.
The method applied in this research is a mixed method which compiles of library research and qualitative research. The library research is taken from books, papers, thesis, and journal. Meanwhile, the qualitative method is done since the results of this thesis are all in the form of words.
The finding of the research is out of 48 data of culture-related terms, 36 data are foreignized and 12 data are domesticated. The finding data show that most data are foreignized because in this globalization era, people have been familiar with foreign terms. Thus, the adjustment of some terms is not really needed.