Style is a distinctive feature found in language use. One example of language use is a speech. In stylistics, the use of modality in a speech can reveal the speaker‟s style. Subsequently, a style that is shown through the modality can reflect the speaker‟s ideology. This study aimed to find out the ideology reflected by the modality of Melania Trump‟s and Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speeches. The speeches were delivered at the Republican National Convention last July 19th, 2016.
There were two objectives discussed in this study. First, the writer tried to find out the type of modality employed by Melania Trump and Ivanka Trump in their campaign speeches. Second, the writer tried to reveal the ideologies reflected by the use of the modality. This research employed a stylistic approach to discuss the type of modality and the ideology reflected through it. The data were also taken by employing population study.
From the discussion, the writer found out that there were four types of modality employed by Melania Trump. Those were inclination, obligation, potentiality and ability, and probability. The modal of inclination appeared 12 times. It was 46.2%. The modal of obligation and probability appeared twice with 7.7%. The last, modal of potentiality and ability appeared 10 times and the percentages is 38.4%. The writer also found out five types of modality in Ivanka Trump‟s campaign speech. Those were inclination, usuality, potentiality and ability, probability, and obligation. There were 11 modals of inclination found in the speech. The percentage was 31.5%. There were 12 modals of potentiality and ability. The percentage was 34.3%. The modal of usuality occurred seven times. The percentage of this type was 20%. The next was the obligation. It occurred three times and the percentage was 8.5%. The last type was probability. It occurred only two times. The percentage of this type was 5.7%. The writer also found out that there were two ideologies reflected by the use of modality. The ideologies found in both speeches were similar. Those were commitment and self self promotion. The commitments were proved by the existence of inclination. the ideology of self promotion is proven by the existence of potentiality and ability, and usuality modalities.
Keywords: speech, modality, ideology, stylistics
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