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47. Pelayanan Aparat Pemerintah Di Kelurahan Karampuang Kecamatan Panakkukang Kota Makassar (Studi Kasus Pelayanan Administrasi Kependudukan)

This study aims to determine the quality of urban government apparatus and to determine the factors that affect the quality of service in the Village District Karampuang Panakkukang Makassar. This research is descriptive qualitative research approach. Where the research is the Village Office Karampuang Panakkukang Makassar District. Data collection techniques used were interviews with informants, documentation and literature. The selection of informants was done by using purposive.
Results of this study showed that in terms of the dimensions of Responsiveness and assurance, the service provided is considered to be qualified. This shows that the dimension of the community are satisfied with the services provided by the village government officials, while at the Real Evidence dimensions, Reliability and Empathy, the service provided has not qualified enough because people do not feel satisfied with the services provided. The factors that affect the supporting factor is comprised of co-operation between authorities and community participation. Inhibiting factor composed of employees and lack of discipline of the facilities and infrastructure.
Suggestions in this study is the village government should be able to inform the Head of RT / RW to disseminate to the public each RT / RW on the types of services, requirements and procedures as well as the need to improve discipline and motivation leadership in this regard Headman Karampuang for more attention to discipline subordinates by giving reward and punishment in accordance with the performance of his subordinates.
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