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195. Positive Regards On The Leading Character As Portrayed In Palacio’s Wonder

This thesis entitled Positive Regards On The Leading Character As Portrayed in Palacio’s Wonder. This thesis discusses about how love develops the personality and how sympathy sustains the personality of the leading character who suffered a facial deformity. The researcher refers to the theory of Carl Rogers, who is a figure of humanistic  psychology  to  attempt  problem  of  the  study. The  method  used  in analyzing the problem in this thesis is descriptive qualitative method. The love and sympathy from his closely related person such as Mother, Father and sister and some of his best friends makes August discover his identity that he is meaningful to others in his life. Love and sympathy are positive impulses that produce a positive aura in developing and sustaining character or personality at the level of social behavior to be able to coexist in the sense of interaction. From the results of the analysis, the researcher found that with positive regards such as love and sympathy that given by others  can  develops  and  sustains  the  personality  of  the  leading  character  who suffered a facial deformity to be more positive to face the reality of the world.

Keywords: Positive regards, Love, Sympathy, Psychological Analysis, Facial Deformity
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