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135. A Syntactic Analysis of Negative and Interrogative Sentences in Kangguru Magazine


Syntax belongs to one of the branches of linguistics studies about how words, clauses, phrases and sentences are combined. The researcher uses syntax to know sentence patterns of the sentence that are analyzed. He uses tree diagrams theory proposed by Diane Bornstein and he uses surface and deep structure in his analysis. He focuses on negative and interrogative sentences that active voice only. In conducting the study, the researcher used descriptive qualitative method. The data are analyzed and interpreted based on Bornstein s theory of tree diagrams. The data source of this study is Kangguru magazine on December in 2007 while the data of this study is Idioms English with Sue, Quick Fix with Maggie in Kangguru magazine. The researcher focuses on sentence analysis in Kangguru magazine by using Bornstein s Tree Diagrams Theory. The key instrument of this study is the researcher since the researcher himself who reads the data, obtains the data, selects and analyzes the data as well. In analyzing the sentence, the researcher uses some theories which are suitable with the subject material. He adopts the theory of Tree Diagrams proposed by Bornstein which analyzes sentences into each of the content of the sentence. There are three ways to collect the data, first, reading rubrics that would be analyzed in Kangguru magazine. Second, selecting the sentences active voice in rubrics like Entertainment and Indo Oz Food. Third, dividing the sentences into two categories: negative and interrogative sentences. After collecting the data, several steps were done as follows: first, writing down the sentences, second, analyzing the sentences based on the syntactic analysis, third, describing the diagrams. In his analysis, the researcher found twenty six syntactic patterns of negative and interrogative sentences in Kangguru magazine on December in 2007. Having analyzed the sentences, the researcher explained each tree diagram analysis in a paragraph so that it would be clear understanding for the readers about the sentence analysis. Finally, the researcher suggests that there are other students who will conduct a study on the same topic with different material and different theory, hoping that there will be new findings of knowledge dealing with syntactic study. The researcher also hopes that the analysis will give clear understanding in analyzing kinds of materials especially the sentence in a magazine or others using syntactical analysis.
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