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2. The Use Of Songs To Improve Students’ Understanding On Conditional Sentences


Keyword: Improving, Students’ Understanding, Conditional Sentences, Song,
Action Research,

This research is focused on the grammar especially conditional sentences. The
teaching of grammar is generally felt boring and even confusing for students at MA
Darul Ulum Semarang because it needs more analytical ability.
This research is aimed at finding the answer to the following research
questions: How is the implementation of song improve students’ understanding on
conditional sentences?
The objective of this study is to identify the implementation of song to
improve students’ understanding on conditional sentences.
This study is a classroom action research that was done in three cycles. Data
collection is done using observation, documentation, and test. To analyze the data,
descriptive quantitative analysis is used; it is to present the result of study in the
form of descriptive explanation. Statistic analysis is used to analyze the data about
the improvement of students’ understanding on conditional sentences.
Result of the study shows that by using song can improve students’
understanding on conditional sentences at the eleventh grade of MA Darul Ulum
Semarang in The Academic Year of 2010/2011. This success can be seen from the
result of students’ average score and good responses students. The result after
getting all of the treatment using song, the students’ average increased in line with
the increase of the students’ score achievement in each cycle. Students’ average
score from the pre cycle was 56.6, first cycle was 64, second cycle was 75.3, and
the third cycle was 88.
Based on the result of the study, the writer suggested that the use of song can
be an alternative way to teach language, especially to improve the students’
understanding on conditional sentences. This result hopefully would motivate
language teacher to use song in teaching English in the classroom, especially when
teaching grammar to the level of Senior High School students.
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